LMLD (8): 2016 Election
Disclaimer - This interview was conducted prior to the 2016 Presidential Election results.
How do the current presidential candidates further or repeal the progress of the movement? What does this election cycle represent in the fight for reproductive rights?
Christine: The next president is going to make a huge impact on the Supreme court and the Supreme Court will make a huge impact on those types of rights. Otherwise, I have no idea where Trump sits on the issue. He is such a fucking nutjob anyway. Who knows what he would do? I worry about Clinton’s running mate Kaine.I don’t really get a good sense of him huge proponent of reproductive rights. He came out and said that he is personally against abortion but he supports the right to choose. I think that's a very safe position to take. It’s certainly not innovative; it’s certainly not pushing the envelope. I’d rather hear him say that he’s going to make sure that they do everything they can to innovate on that front and keep access open to all. I didn’t hear that from him.
Maria: I pretty much agree with Christine. We potentially are safer under Hillary Clinton but I would hope that she wouldn’t reverse the way she has on other issues and move towards a more right-of-center position in terms of who she chooses [for the Supreme Court seat]. We are certainly better of than with Trump.
Pence predicts/claims if Trump is elected, he would reverse Roe vs. Wade. Do you think he has the power to do so? How would this redefine our fight for reproductive rights?