Radicalize! Resist! Revolt!

[This post was originally published on November 25th, 2016]


Dear Uterish Supporters,

The fight for reproductive justice has always looked at the relationship between body autonomy and the government. We can identify this relationship at the center of every contemporary social movement: Black Lives Matter, Prison Abolition, etc. In this way, we cannot separate our fight from the threats facing Muslim Americans, undocumented Americans, incarcerated Americans, trans Americans, and anyone else facing discrimination for their identity. Uterish is inherently and passionately in solidarity with all other social justice efforts to secure body autonomy and safety during a Trump presidency and beyond. Your fight is our fight too.


It feels like the last bastion of democracy has been brought to its knees. This is not true. What has happened is this: democracy has been thwarted, again and hopefully for the last time, by the electoral college––an outdated structure that works only to dissipate the power of the people. It feels as though our president-elect will ensure that freedoms are limited only to those who look and think like him. This could be true. However, if there ever was a moment to take advantage of the democratic process as it continues to exist in the United States, now is the time. If there ever was moment to unify and show our elected representatives that this country is not his country, now is that time. Uterish has collected a short list below of ways in which to resist Donald. Now is the time to trump hate with love.


1. First of all, please understand that you are important; you are valued and loved no matter your sexual orientation, gender, race, or religion. Remember that self-love is a good first step.


2. Listen and support those close to you with marginalized and targeted identities.


3. Check your privilege.


4. Attend protests and rallies nearby*. Let your voice be heard. Bring friends, family, and allies. Stay safe!


5. Discover who represents you and their stance on reproductive justice. Reach out to them in support or in resistance.




6. Donate time and/or money to an organization (such as Planned Parenthood!).



7. Educate yourself. And, when safe to do so, educate those around you. Resist growing comfortable with the issues that do not affect you directly.


8. Find a way in your local community to offset the damage Donald intends to create. Who near you is most at risk? How can your time be donated so as to help them?


9. VOTE. Vote in the midterm elections. Vote in your local and state elections. Exercise your democratic rights to put more people in office who can offset and challenge the hurt that Donald and Mike plan to bring into effect.


*many people criticize the purpose of anti-Trump protests, claiming that they aren’t productive and won’t lead to a change in the elected candidate. This position is flawed because it misses the true intent of these protests - to make known, loud and powerfully, that a large group of Americans do not condone Trump’s statements and policies. Do not settle. Let your voice be heard!


Vote, engage, learn, and don’t lose hope. Do not choose silence or violence. To quote Ms. Clinton, “Now, our responsibility as citizens is to keep doing our part to build that better, stronger, fairer America we seek. And I know you will.”


Love and solidarity,



Other resources:







alex, greta, tayaUterish