Our Summer 2024 Interns Interview Each Other!

In the vein of our 2021 series where the Uterish founders interviewed each other (you can read those here, here, and here), we asked our summer interns to ask each other what they’re thinking about, loving, and hating. Take a look below to meet Violet, Sam, and Koreb!

Violet’s questions for Sam 

What's the weirdest or most memorable dream you've ever had?

When I was five or six, I had a nightmare about my mom turning into a stereotypical “witch” and leading a witch army. It hasn’t left my head at all, and I still remember the dream in vivid detail.

If you had to live in a different country for a year, where would you choose and why?

I’d pick Singapore because I actually have lived there for a year, but I miss it a lot and have some friends there. If it’s a country that I haven’t lived in, I’d say somewhere in Europe, maybe Greece? I think Greece is absolutely beautiful.

What's the most unconventional hobby you've ever tried, and did you enjoy it?

I wouldn’t say it's unconventional but I tried jewelry making and it didn’t last very long, like many of my hobbies which are short lived

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

I’d probably say either “Halley’s Comet” by Billie Eilish or “not a lot, just forever” by Adrianne Lenker.

What’s your go-to comfort meal? 


Sam’s questions for Koreb

What’s your favorite activity to do on the weekends?

My favorite thing to do ever is watch movies and log them on Letterboxd, but I also love getting really invested in and competitive about the NFL or the NBA with my family. Dangerously, my mood can be decided on whether or not the Dallas Mavericks win (#MavsFanForLife!) and if there’s hope the Mavericks will finally become NBA champs again (this year was rough).

What’s a book that you’ve read recently that you’d recommend?

I just finished Joan Didion’s essay collection Let Me Tell You What I Mean and I really loved it. Some of my favorite essays were the ones about her rejection from Stanford (“On Being Unchosen by the College of One’s Choice”) and her relationship with both writing and storytelling (“Why I Write” and “Telling Stories”). I think a lot of people our age could relate to her insights, especially if they love writing.

If you had to dress in one aesthetic for the rest of your life what would it be and why?

I don’t really think I have one aesthetic I’d want to dress as, since I’m aspirationally trying to develop a personal style, but I know I’m pretty basic. If I had to choose I’d say the aesthetic of a girl who lives in a city and likes sweaters or the style of Liam and Noel Gallagher in the 90s. 

What’s a topic you could debate for a long time about? (like literally any topic)

I think I could weigh in on celebrity beefs and pop culture forever, like if Drake or Kendrick won their month-long exchange of diss tracks or if an album’s rating given to them by Pitchfork or youtuber Fantano is too low or way too high. 

Would you rather always be too cold or always be too hot?

Part of the reason I love Seattle is because it never really gets too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer and I absolutely hate the heat. Something about the temperature being above 75 degrees and being sweaty is just the worst, and I would hate never being able to wear hoodies or sweaters again.

Koreb’s questions for Violet

What’s your guilty pleasure song/movie/book/tv show?

Ooh I definitely love a little kid throwback and rereading The Horse and His Boy from The Chronicles of Narnia. I also find myself listening to my Spotify (shared with my parents and twin brother of course) Your Top Songs of 2017 playlist embarrassingly often.  

What are five things you own you couldn’t live without?

  • Acoustic guitar 

  • Crochet supplies

  • The sourdough starter in my fridge (I’m a bit emotionally attached) 

  • Kombucha 

  • Clogs (stylish and practical I mean c'mon)

What are some of the weirdest food combinations you really love? 

I’ve been getting into nutritional yeast as of late which feels controversial in and of itself but I'm really digging it in polenta. This is less of a combination and more of a lack thereof but I’m also a big fan of toasted bread without anything on it. Though I do love an everything bagel with raspberry jam! 

If you had to choose an album (or albums) as the soundtrack of your high school years, what would it be?

This is tough! I feel like I’ve only recently started sitting down and listening through complete albums, but I’d say Graceland by Paul Simon, Stay Gold by First Aid Kit, Heard It In A Past Life by Maggie Rogers, Blue by Joni Mitchell, and Free Yourself Up by Lake Street Dive. 

What’s something you love that everyone hates?

I love oatmeal and really any other variation on porridge or gruel. 
